Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pigeon Problem?

I woke up one Saturday morning at 7:30 am and Robert was gone, this was not normal because this is his day to sleep in. Once I reached him on his cell phone he proceeded to tell me that he was tired of being woke up to cooing of pigeons and he knew of a way to handle it, he came home with a B.B. gun. Pigeon problem solved!!!!


Marci said...

That's so funny! Cahl does the exact same thing!

Alli Waldron said...

I love the picture of him crouching behing the chair. Was he worried the pigeons might retaliate?

Meg and Jeremy said...

Send him over to my house ASAP! We've got the same problem with those dang pigeons, even my kids hate them.

Kim and Linda said...

I am afraid of Robert and a gun. It is too funny to imagine Robert against the pigeons. Robert clearly the winner, right?

reesekelleyandboys said...

Lol - too funny! Reese does the same thing with Brackens b.b. gun!